How to Get a German Driver’s License?

Türkçe yazı için buraya tıklayın.

First of all, I highly recommend you to check the link from the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport below to see if you need to change your driver’s license in Germany or not:

If your country is not excluded, when you move to Germany, one of the first things you need to do is initiate the process of changing your driver’s license. Generally, your original driver’s license is only valid for 6 months, and after that period, it becomes invalid. Means that you can’t drive since it’ll lead to severe penalties.

My situation was a bit more complicated. While in the Czech Republic, I had already exchanged my Turkish license for a Czech one without a test. Initially, I thought having an EU license wouldn’t be a problem, but later I realized the “TUR” label was added due to the test-free exchange. I found out I couldn’t drive in Germany with my Czech license after six months. That led me to the decision to enroll in a driving school.

Fahrschule means Driving School (Photo by Markus Spiske on

Key Steps to Obtain a Driver’s License in Germany

Getting a driver’s license (Führerschein) in Germany generally takes a long time. Although I got it in a record time of 4 months, keep in mind that the process may vary between 6-12 months depending on the number of applicants. There may be different processes in other states of Germany, this article is valid for the state of North Rhine-Westphalia in 2023. You can click here to see all driver’s license types in Germany.

1 – Enrolling in a driving school: Be sure to research and choose your driving school, working with meticulous people directly affects your exam result. All details regarding documents and payment are explained during registration. You receive the login information for the application you will study for the written exam. Do not forget to indicate in which language you want to take the written exam, for example I took the exam in Turkish.

2 – First Aid Training: This all-day training is conducted in German, and basic knowledge is essential. You receive a certificate at the end of the day.

3- Eye test: Typically conducted on the same day as the first aid training.

4- Submitting documents to the city hall: I made an appointment with the municipality well in advance to speed up the process. In fact, I submitted the documents the day after the first aid training. Dortmund City Hall requires first aid certificate, eye test, biometric photo, passport and driver’s license translation. You can have your driver’s license translated from ADAC. Since I had a Czech driver’s license, I did not need to have a translation done.

Dortmund Municipality driver’s license appointments can be made from this site.:

5- Receive letter from TÜV: The city hall sends your documents to TÜV, and you receive a letter at home detailing exam permission and payment instructions.

6-Schedule written exam: I prepared for the written exam using the Fahrschulcard application. The driving school did not make a written exam appointment until 100% completion of this application. I think it’s a good system because I’ve heard of people failing even this not-so-difficult exam.

7- Written exam: There are 30 questions in the exam conducted via computer in the TÜV building and the result sheet is given immediately after it is finished. You must have your residence permit and passport with you.

8- Start practical driving lessons: I started driving lessons right after the written exam. Even though I have been a driver for 16 years, I had a little difficulty in the lessons because they are extremely meticulous in the driving test and I encountered many people who failed due to a small mistake. I took 5 courses in total. If you do not feel ready, taking 1-2 more lessons will save you from greater expenses.

If you don’t have any driving experience, in the beginning you can practice in a controlled area called “verkehrsübungsplatz” at almost half the hourly cost of regular driving courses. Of course, you’ll need pricing lessons afterwards to pass the driver’s license practical exam. Insurance for the vehicle is also provided to prevent any accidents before entering the area. You can practice parking, hills, and roundabout maneuvers.

9- Practical driving exam: It was the most stressful day. The examiner first checks your identity. You must have your residence permit and passport with you. Afterwards, the examiner asks some technical questions about the vehicle and the ride begins. During the exam, you must drive on side roads, main roads and highways. This exam is also in German, it is important that you know at least enough to communicate and explain some parts of the car. If you concentrate well and follow the rules exactly, there is no reason not to pass. At the end of the exam, they give you the result immediately and you can get your driver’s license with that paper. I can’t explain what a burden was lifted off my shoulders that day.

10- Collect your driver’s license from the city hall: I made an appointment for the day after the driving test, and I got my license very quickly.

Practical Driving Exam

The hardest part to pass is the driving test. Unfortunately, the number of people who have to repeat this exam several times is not small. If you understand all the rules from the written exam, the driving part will go more smoothly.

The most different rule I learned in Germany is that you must always give way to the vehicle coming from your right at intersections or side roads where passing priority is not specified. This is very important because here people assume that you know the rules and continue on their way if there is priority to pass without applying the brakes.

You also need to show in the exam that you look over your shoulder every time you turn left or right or when entering traffic.

Practice regularly and focus on precision, especially during parking maneuvers. Familiarize yourself with German traffic signs and signals. Stay calm and composed during the exam, and don’t hesitate to ask questions if you’re unsure about instructions.

Before starting the driving test, you may be asked questions about some parts of the vehicle. For example, how to turn on low and high beams, how to check engine oil, etc. Depending on the vehicle you will take the exam on, you can learn these details by typing ‘Technikfragen vor der Fahrprüfung’ on the internet and adding the vehicle brand. You take the test in the vehicle in which you took driving lessons.

German Driving License Cost

Unfortunately, getting a driver’s license in Germany is very expensive. If you pass all the exams the first time, the average fee for a Class B driving license is between 1100-1500 EUR. This will vary depending on the number of driving lessons you have. Let’s look at the costs in detail:

  • Driving school registration: 200-300 EUR
  • City fee: 60-90 EUR
  • TÜV fee for the written exam: 23 EUR
  • Written exam fee through the driving school: 100 EUR
  • TÜV fee for the practical exam: 117 EUR
  • Practical exam fee through the driving school: 220 EUR
  • 45-minute driving lessons: 50-70 EUR each

In conclusion, obtaining a driver’s license in Germany is not only a bureaucratic process but also a significant financial commitment. However, it opens up opportunities for mobility and independence in this car-centric country. Remember, the driving rules in Germany are crucial, even for tourists. Take the time to familiarize yourself with them, whether you’re in the process of getting a license or just planning to drive temporarily. If you have any questions or would like to share your own experiences with obtaining a license, feel free to do so in the comments. Safe driving!

Stay curious until the next post,

One-Day Wonder

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