LGBTQI+ Rights in Czech Republic

Prague tip alert! The best time to come to Prague is Pride, namely August. The city takes on a different atmosphere during pride week, where various events are organized.
Although the Czech Republic is the first country to grant the right to a civil union to same-sex couples after communism (this is called registered partnership, not marriage), it lags behind the European average in terms of LGBT rights.

Czech Republic Rainbow index is %26 Source: ILGA-EUROPE

ILGA-EUROPE is an organization working in the field of human rights for LGBT individuals in Europe. The above index; In fact, it is an indicator of how much different human rights such as equality, family, legal regulations, the right to asylum, and visibility in the public sphere are guaranteed in countries.

The most curious issue lately is when the same-sex marriage law, which has been waiting since 2018, will be passed in parliament. For this purpose, signature and public awareness campaigns are organized every year.

Prague Pride Event in 2018

In the partnership, there is a rule that one of the couples must be a Czech citizen. The civil union right is not granted to the person who comes from abroad without being married. In addition, if the couples have children, only the one of the parents can register themselves in the children’s identity card.

LGBTQ organizations in the Czech Republic

Non-governmental organizations working mainly for the equality of individuals and LGBT rights aim to create awareness and change in society with the events they organize throughout the year.

Prague Pride: The non-profit and completely voluntary association, which was founded in 2010 with the support of expats living in Prague, organizes Pride Week and Pride Parade events every year. Alongside this, she works on marriage equality, raising awareness in companies in the country, and LGBTQ parenting. : Established in 1996 in Brno, STUD works for LGBT individuals to have equal rights with other people in society. In addition, they organize Mezipatra, one of the biggest film festivals in the country, every year.

TransParent :As far as I can see, trans rights are not on the agenda as often. Founded in 2015, TransParent aims to protect trans and cisgender rights. The association provides job, educational, psychological and legal support for transgender individuals who experience the most severe form of social exclusion.

Jsme fér : The name of the association, which works for same-sex marriage equality, means “We are equal” in Czech. According to recent surveys, 67% of Czechs support marriage equality. However, the submission of the marriage amendment has been waiting in the parliament for 394 days while I was writing this article in 2023.

LGBTQ Events in Prague

Prague Pride

Prague Pride is organised every August. Film screenings, concerts and talks are held for a week, and at the end, the fun reaches it’s peak with the Pride Parade. This year Prague Pride Festival is between 7-13th of August and save the date for the pride parade on 12th of August 2023.

The march starts from Wenceslas Square, where all protests and demonstrations have been held since history and end in Letna Park (Metronome). During the parade, several Christian and Neo-Nazi groups on the side of the road tried to protest the parade, but the police prevented such groups. In addition, the cortege is constantly followed by a helicopter. Last year, 40 thousand people participated in the Prague Pride, including visitors from abroad.

Prague Pride ends at Letna Park

Mezipatra Queer Film Festival

As I mentioned in my previous posts,winter months in Prague pass by with film festivals. The Mezipatra queer films festival is one of the longest among them. In the festival, every year a different theme is determined.

Queer Ball

The queer ball, which I have been wondering about for a while was held in an environment where people could have fun without being subjected to judicial bombardment due to their clothing, appearance and sexual orientation.

Last words

I just hope we can learn to stop dealing with ourselves and others, accept ourselves and people as they are, and live without discriminating.

I don’t participate in nightlife like before, I think the thing missing in this blog post is clubs and bars. If there is a place you would recommend in Prague, write it in the comments 🙂

Stay curious until the next post,

One-Day Wonder

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